Remote working: how to combat loneliness

Remote working has become normality for many people since the pandemic. After Covid-19, many companies chose to keep the work from home infrastructure in place, which for many, is a solution to many of the pre-pandemic problems that workers faced. It’s allowed parents to spend more time with their children, or removed the rush hour commute to and from work, allowing people to gain a couple of extra hours in…  Read more

Work Life Balance

Work-life balance has become one of the most sought after aspects of a job. Since the pandemic, Aviva found that more workers say that what attracts them to a job is work-life balance (41%), ahead of salary (36%). A survey in 2021 also found that 65% of jobseekers prioritised a work-life balance over salary. Yet, finding this balance seems to be a real challenge. In a world that is all…  Read more

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